Dope Doge- The Hyper-Deflationary, Community-driven token for Weed & Doge lovers


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Token for Weed and Doge Lovers

If we talk about Dogecoin, this is one of the coins whose growth has been very significant in the last few months. Especially when Elon Musk openly supports Dogecoin, more and more people are starting to be interested in buying this coin. Seeing this, a group of crypto and weed enthusiasts has plans to launch a token that is very suitable for doge and weed lovers. This token is named Dope Doge, but not as a meme token, Dope Doge has a goal that is to provide those who oppose the prohibition of hemp and cannabis, by educating people and raising their awareness that cannabis use is not as bad as they think. Dope Doge wants to see that through cryptocurrency, we can see that cannabis is returned to its natural place in our society as a pleasant alternative and comprehensive medicine.

Dope Doge has a mechanism that will give rewards to the holders. The plan is that 4% reflection is sent to the user’s wallet for each transaction. This means that the more tokens a user holds, the greater the reward they will get.Dope Doge Features

Dope Doge is a hyper-deflationary token that will revolutionize the Weed Industry. Developed by crypto and weed lovers, Dope Doge will be the first token to publicly support removing the prohibition on cannabis use in society and educating the public that cannabis is not as bad as they think. The following are the features of Dope Doge:

Hyper-deflationary: The team plans to release 1,000,000,000,000,000 tokens and 40% of this total supply will be burnt gradually. In this way, the token price will increase.

Dope Doge Roadmap

Dope Doge was developed by crypto and weed lovers who are dedicated to creating the cryptocurrency that will revolutionize the global weed market. In the first phase, the team developed the website then logo design, AMA with devs, whitelist campaign, and then presale on DxSale. And in the second phase, the team will start launching tokens on Pancakeswap, if 1000 holders have been reached then the team will list on Poocoin, then the team will do listings on Coinhunt, Coinsniper & Coinvote. And in the third phase, the team had the expectation that Dope Doge would have been held by more than 10,000 Holders, in this phase the team began to develop whitepapers, apply for listings on Coinmarketcap, Coinecko, Blockfolio, aggressive marketing, endorsement from influencers, and do charity donations to Cannabis Foundations. And in the last phase, the team expects that Dope Doge will have more than 30,000 Holders, then the team will do CEX Listing (Whitebit, Hotbit), and continue to expand and innovate


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BCT username: Ferland Mendy


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