
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2021

The HEPA (HEPA) token

The base of the Hepa Finance is the HEPA token. It has a straight view to be fairly and widely distributed, with focus on rewarding early and active supporters of the protocol. HEPA TOKEN LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO “HEPA” Blockchain is a decentralized general   ledger. It is a computer network that has an identical copy of the database and changes its status (records) to a common agreement based on pure mathematics. All this means that there is no need for any central server or any entity we trust (e.g. central bank, notaries, banks, Paypal, etc.). The blockchain is the technological basis for all cryptocurrencies, whether Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, etc. An important part of the blockchain is the smart contracts, a piece of code that is stored in the blockchain network (in each participant’s database). It basically defines the conditions to which all parties using the contract agreement. Therefore, if the required conditions are met, certain actions are executed. Because the smar...

ApeTools is a set of additional tools for exchange platforms on the Binance Smart Chain.

Introduction. Decentralized exchange platforms are gaining popularity right now. This contributes very well to the development of the entire crypto industry, and also makes it accessible to everyone around the world. However, decentralized exchange platforms do not have sufficient functionality that would contribute to even greater development and success. This was noticed by the team of the  ApeTools  platform, who were able to develop a number of necessary tools, the use of which will help decentralized exchange platforms complement their functionality and attract even more users. Why ApeTools? Many of you  m ay have already heard a similar name and it is associated with the decentralized exchange platform ApeSwap. The fact is that the task is to provide platforms such as ApeSwap, PancakeSwap with the best trading tools, as well as get integration with ApeSwap. All this is connected with their successful development and providing them with additional trading instruments...

Australian Kelpie ($KNOCKERS) ist ein BEP20 Utility Token

Sie sind daran interessiert, dem Projekt beizutreten, <  KNOCKERS  > Sie sollten die Informationen lesen, die Ihnen helfen, Informationen zu erhalten, die Ihnen helfen können, Ihre Vision und Mission zu erkennen # knockercoin  # Blockchain  # crypto  # btc Australian Kelpie ($KNOCKERS) ist ein BEP20 Utility Token auf einer Mondmission zur Beendigung des Menschenhandels. Als führendes Unternehmen im schnell wachsenden Bereich der Wohltätigkeitsmünzen ist $KNOCKERS die erste Wohltätigkeitsmünze, die ausschließlich einer Organisation zugute kommt. Als exklusiver Begünstigter von $KNOCKERS ist Operation Underground Railroad eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die Regierungen auf der ganzen Welt bei der Rettung von Opfern von Menschenhandel und Sexhandel unterstützt, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Kinder. $KNOCKERS ist ein von der Community betriebener 100% fairer Launch-Token mit öffentlichen Gründern. Die Community und die Gründer haben ein gemeinsames Ziel, eine ...


WHY DO WE DO THAT? By purchasing $ HOPE every month with 20% of the donation amount, we ensure our prices continue to rise and result in safe, healthy and sustainable artificial growth. As if a whale comes every month, buy 20% of the total donation amount (according to our example this will be 20K in one month) but never throw away because $ HOPE itself is a whale. $ HOPE won't waste - we'll redistribute it slowly. That 20% slow redistribution will sync with 20% of the next donation used to buy hope tokens once again to create more liquidity and holders, plus allow tokens to increases exponentially with time. This will offer a good ROI to our investors over time, lower volatility and always bring new higher floors. ISN'T THIS BRILLIANT? In addition, since this will trigger a constant increase in value, the initial $ 20k increment will also increase. Additional profits will be stored and shared via airdrops between multiple random holders and marketers. We are at a pivotal m...

Decentralized Finance for Everybody by Everybody!.

Introduction The DeFi market is an internet-native financial ecosystem that offers many of the products and services available in traditional finance but, instead, built on blockchain technology in the form of decentralized, autonomous applications. There are different kinds of blockchain networks that DeFi projects can leverage to build decentralized applications. For this reason, one of the most important decisions a DeFi project needs to make is to choose a robust blockchain protocol that offers a reliable cheap, fast, and user-friendly platform for DApps. Binance Smart Chain is built with a dual chain architecture, which makes it possible for users to enjoy the flexibility of transferring assets from one blockchain to another. The interoperability of Binance Smart Chain offers users the opportunity of accessing a vast ecosystem with a myriad of use cases. Interoperability is one of the key features held in high esteem by DeFi proponents, and Binance Smart Chain is at the forefront ...